
Wild and Sensitive Leadership
We are TOO often taught that leadership is an individual endeavor, one that prioritizes more masculine qualities, such as rationality, stoicism, aggression, strength, hierarchy, and endurance.
But this current leadership paradigm is no longer serving our larger Earth community.

Feminine Leadership for the Great Turning
We are all living through a time of Great Turning.
The Great Turning is an incredible phase in our Earth’s history when humans steer away from an industrial growth society and towards a life sustaining society not just for humans but for all living species and our Planet. Joanna Macy and Molly Brown describe this through “The Work that Reconnects.” This turning is now taking place, and sensitive people are already witnessing and contributing to this time in our Earth’s history.

How to Obtain Energy from Nothing
The Deep Sea is a seemingly endless part of our Universe that we still know little about. Until recently, humans assumed that all living things obtained energy in one way or another from the sun, until organisms in deep and lightless waters were discovered to absorb nourishment from hydrogen sulfide, which is normally toxic to other living creatures.
Energy doesn’t just come from Lightness.

The Superpower of Sensitivity
When I was growing up, I was more sensitive than I realized, and my role was to caretake others’ feelings in my family unit. When I say “caretake” I mean that I masked my own emotional experience in order to take care of the other person’s feelings. I was very sensitive to other’s feelings, and unconsciously avoided negative emotions so I would not be overwhelmed by them. My own emotions often went on the back burner, and I attempted to present myself as “the little ray of sunshine” that I was nicknamed.

Cultivating Mindful Self Compassion
You just aren’t good at relationships… it is probably better to just be alone for the rest of your life.
Yes, you hate your job, but you probably won’t find a better one.
No one will listen to you, even if you speak up.
We all have inner protective parts.

Energy Medicine for Embodied Leadership
Previously I had been practicing mantra meditation that taught me how to rise the energy in my body instead of ground it into the Earth. I often could reach more blissful places, but as an HSP, I walked through the world completely ungrounded and disembodied. Practicing Energy Medicine has completely changed this for me.

The Importance of True Resiliency for Sensitive Teens
Frequently and unfortunately, I am reminded of a serious epidemic that exists in United States culture. Many teens transitioning into adulthood are completely out of touch with who they are. This does not mean a disconnection with extracurricular activities and academic talents, but out of touch with beauty, joy, and the part of the self that values meaning and feels inspired.

Holistic Support for Empaths
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are those who are naturally empathetic with huge hearts and often find themselves in caretaking roles at home and in society. They tend to be nurses, therapists, healers, teachers, activists, and artists.
Recently the coronavirus is demanding that sensitive folks take on even more work and care taking as so many in our collective community have been negatively impacted.

Self Designed Ceremony in Nature
Ceremonies in nature have been practiced by every culture for tens of thousands of years. Focusing only on material reality can be a source of depression, anxiety, and loss of meaning for modern humans, especially sensitive people. Learning the art of ceremony and honoring the Earth and the non-human world as sacred can breathe new life force into you, your community, and your outer world.