Wild and Sensitive Leadership
“Leading from the feminine is bigger than leading from the heart. It includes leading from your connection to the divine or sacred as well and also from intuition and your body’s senses and awareness. I believe that women’s amazing capacity to heal, grow and strengthen each other is likely the single greatest underutilized resource we have, as a species, for transforming our world.”
— Nina Simons
I know the rugged individualist hero archetype well.
There have been times in my life that I pushed through life’s challenges by pulling up my bootstraps.
I participated in programs that taught me wilderness skills as a form of leadership but neglected song, dance, ceremony, and a true surrender to the power and wisdom that naturally flows when connecting deeply to the Earth in community together.
We are TOO often taught that leadership is an individual endeavor, one that prioritizes more masculine qualities, such as rationality, stoicism, aggression, strength, hierarchy, and endurance.
But this current leadership paradigm is no longer serving our larger Earth community.
Instead of a hierarchical model, the Earth desperately is seeking to re-balance itself which includes a call for all of us to rebalance our own inner masculine and feminine energies.
Cultivating the inner courage to step forward as a leader is important, but so is working together, bringing forth all of our own unique talents, co-creating a new vision for the future that surpasses anything that we could have ever previously imagined.
And this is not out of reach…
Last summer, I participated in two River Trips for women and non-binary folks.
On these adventures, I technically “led” and organized the trips.
However, I was in awe of the grace that can happen when women come and lead together, directly fed by the divine feminine well of the River’s waters.
These River Trips were a shared leadership experience.
Though I may have had the vision, ALL other group members stepped forward with their own unique gifts and magic in order to create and manifest a transformative community journey of a lifetime.
And I am convinced that leaders becoming more sensitive will lead this way forward together.
By cultivating interconnectivity, we can learn and embody leadership that is shared through reciprocity, mutual care, and a true honoring and uplifting of our instinctual gifts such as intuition, empathy, and heightened sensory awareness. As a leader, you can learn to communicate and lead from the vulnerable places where your heart breaks for the world while remaining grounded and centered when the Earth needs sensitive and feminine leadership the most.
The current paradigm of leadership is not embodied.
Instead of prioritizing only masculine qualities, it is necessary for you to lead from your inner feminine, held by your masculine. When your feminine and masculine wisdom rise directly from Earth’s source, they flow beyond the binary -- supporting you in emerging and leading from your wildest true nature.